Saturday, February 6, 2010

New adjustments

Hi friends,

Since my last post, we've been through several new changes. The most traumatic has been Alissa's acquisition of a job as a 'charge nurse' at the Green Valley Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center. The Center currently has her working in an orientation/PRN position until they feel confident that Alissa can handle her supervision role over LPNs and CNAs. Since she started working on Dec. 31, she has actually worked full-time hours. Now that she has her temporary license for the State of Texas, she can continue working while she waits for the all the processing for her permanent license.

Because of this opportunity, we were left with the decision about how the kids' home school would continue. We decided that I would continue to market our internet business, as best I could from home, and teach the home school curriculum as well. Well, so far so good. It has been a big switch from our life in Bolivia, but we see how God is providing in spite of a "down" economy. We're also confident that God has brought us here for a purpose, one that may not be easy for us to understand.

We appreciate your prayers as we find our way through these transitions, and we know that we share many of the same struggles that many families are facing these days. Let's draw near to God, unload our cares upon him and let Him fill us with contentment.

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