Packing, packing and more packing. Early in the month we were very persuaded that it would take at least three months for our house in Santa Cruz to sell, but within one month we already had two buyers interested in our house. As a result, we had to throw things into High Gear and begin paring down our furniture, household stuff and whatever else we have accumulated over the last eight years in Bolivia.This will continue to be a highly stressful time in our lives for the next month and a half, and we appreciate all your prayers that you send our way. As of the 26th we have officially started the paperwork for the sale of our house and are awaiting the final payment to close all the legal documentation. Also, we have purchased our tickets for the July 20. We will leave Bolivia and arrive in the US the same day (daytime flight).
In the meantime, the three girls enjoyed a one-week VBS at the International Church here in

Santa Cruz. Also, we celebrated Abigail's 4th birthday on the 21st, which made it a special Father's Day for Alan as well.
It has been a fairly mild winter so far in Santa Cruz, but not without a few nights down in the 40's. Since our house has no heat, we usually have at least a couple nights during the winter that we all sleep together in one room to keep warm- kind of like camping out, but in your own house.
Ministry News
As we try to taper down our responsibilities, we have realized how hard that is to actually do. One definite praise in this area is the willingness of a local Bible School, CIET, to continue offering the Bivocational Modules that we have been teaching at CBDI for the last three years. This was essentially the first program that was born out Alan's thesis that was elaborated in Singapore five years ago, and we're glad to see it continue. Although we're sad to leave during such growth in missions awareness, we can honestly say that we were privileged to be a major part of the formation of a national missions movement that will continue under God's grace to impact this country as participators in the Great Commission.

Our team in Santa Cruz continues to work in three new church plants throughout the city, and Alan was able to visit and teach at one of them in the neighborhood called Soberania. This church meets at the home of our team member, Richard La Madrid, and has about 25-30 members who are being fed the Word here. We are praying that these new church plants will be examples of organic, missional bodies that can produce many new disciples.
For Prayer
- Our preparation for departure, July 20
- Safety in our travel
- Wisdom and direction upon arrival
Thanks again to all of you who pray for and support our ministry!
God bless you,
the Holcombes